Section Training - KC
Updates and Resources on COVID-19
April 9, 2020
Dear Pennridge Community,
Earlier today, Governor Wolf ordered all schools in Pennsylvania to remain closed for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year. The decision was made in consultation with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Department of Health. Although we have been preparing for this potential decision, it is still disappointing to hear.
We have successfully moved to online learning over the past few weeks and this model will continue through the end of the school year. We understand that there are many questions and promise we will continue to address them as we move forward. Currently, no decisions have been made about the Senior prom or graduation. We are fully committed to celebrations for the Class of 2020 and the administration is working with the Senior class on alternative plans should they become needed. Food distribution will continue on Monday and Thursday and technical support remains available to all families and staff.
We share in your disappointment that students and teachers will not share a classroom for the remainder of this school year, but ultimately the health and well-being of our community is the most important concern. We want to thank our entire staff for their dedication and hard work during this challenging time and our Pennridge families for their cooperation, patience, and understanding.
We continue to be Pennridge Proud!
David A. Bolton, Ed.D.