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Choose Online Learning
Online learning offers an array of opportunities. It is convenient and personalized, but it does require a level of commitment and skills. Click on the links below to learn more about Student and Parent expectations at each level.
High School
As a high school student, an online learner is expected to be self-motivated and a self-advocate. It is up to the student to keep track of assignments and course pacing. While the cyber liaison, teachers, and guidance counselors will assist in the development of these skills, it is ultimately up to the student to be disciplined enough to adhere to the program requirements. Online learning is not for everyone. Check out this self-quiz to learn if you have what it takes to be a successful online learner.
At the high school level, the parent takes on the role of supervisor and serves as another check on the student. While the student should be working independently on his/her school work, the parent can help by monitoring grades and assignment completion. It is always important to keep in mind the requirements for high school graduation. The parent wants to make sure to work with the child, cyber liaison, and guidance counselor to make sure that requirements are being met. All parents have the opportunity to receive weekly progress reports regarding their child's course progress. Parents should encourage their child to complete this self-quiz to learn if he/she has what it takes to be a successful online learner.
Middle School
Middle school students are developing into independent learners. This does not mean that they are on their own, but that they are taking steps to learn how to manage their schedules and taking charge of their learning. The middle school online learner should be able to balance learning activities that take place online and offline. For example, a learner may need to complete an online simulation for a class and also complete independent reading offline. The successful middle school online learner is developing into a self-motivated, self-advocating young adult. This self-check quiz might help you decide if you are developing the skills of a successful online learner.
The parent of a middle school online learner takes on the role of monitor. As students enter the middle school level they should be becoming more independent. Middle School online learners should be completing assignments independently and monitoring their own calendar to keep on top of due dates. The parent, however, still plays a crucial role and should be checking in with the student daily to make sure that course expectations are being met. All parents have the opportunity to receive weekly emails regarding their student's course progress. Parents of middle school students may want to work with their student to complete this self-check quiz and discuss the results.
Elementary School
The involvement of a parent of an elementary online learner is crucial. Serving as a learning coach, the parent needs to be able and willing to assist the student daily with assignments. The parent helps create the learning schedule to provide for a variety of activities and breaks. Parents may also be required to assist with lessons and help to evaluate the student's progress and comprehension. At the elementary level, online learning is similar to homeschooling, but with the added benefit of interactive, personalized curriculum supported by a certified teacher.
Successful online elementary students need to be able to work well at home and be willing to accept help from their learning coach (Mom, Dad, Step-Parent, Grandparent, Guardian). This special adult will work with online teachers to provide support to the student so the student can achieve to the best of his/her ability.