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Before and After School Care

School-Age Child Care Program


The Pennridge School District, through its school-age child care provider, KidsCare, provides a comprehensive program of school-age child care services for the residents of the Pennridge community. Its KidsCare after-school, before-school, and school holiday programs provide comprehensive, high-interest school-age child care programs in a neighborhood school setting. It is the intention of the Pennridge School District and KidsCare to continue their proud tradition of providing the finest, highest quality, and most affordable school-age child care programs in the Pennridge area. A proud tradition that will make its KidsCare programs “the best alternative to being home alone!”


Program Locations


KidsCare provides its before-school and after-school programs at each elementary school in the Pennridge School District:

Bedminster Elementary School

Deibler Elementary School

Grasse Elementary School

Guth Elementary School

Sellersville Elementary School

Seylar Elementary School

West Rockhill Elementary School


KidsCare is …

safe, friendly, and convenient (held in the comfort and safety of your child’s home school)

dependable (no broken promises, no last-minute cancellations, no disappointments)

child centered (programs designed by professional educators specially for school-age children

fun-filled (a wide variety of unique, high-interest, child-centered activities

affordable (family discounts … third child free … special AM/PM program discount


Program Features

Daily before-school program (7a.m. to start of school), after-school program (end of school – 6 p.m.)

Full-time and part-time enrollment options

Flexible enrollment plans for special work schedules

Trained staff of certified, experienced teachers and child care providers

After-school snack

Homework HelperTM (special homework helper program)

Special monthly program themes

Special activities including arts & crafts, cooking with kids, science, drama, storytelling, puppetry, table-top games, and more

Sports and recreational activities

Special activities in “self-help” skills

Extended program on teacher in-service and parent-teacher conference days (early dismissal time - 6 p.m.)

Full-day “Day-Off” program on selected school holidays (7 a.m. - 6 p.m.)


For Information, Program Portfolio, and Telephone Registration

Call 215-230-3445 (daily, 9 a.m - 4 p.m.) or visit the KidsCare of Pennridge website.