• 2022-2023 Nutritional Services Information

    This year, breakfast and lunch meals will no longer be universally free for all students. Elementary breakfast price is $1.75 and Elementary lunch price is $2.75.  MS/HS breakfast price is $2.00 and MS/HS lunch price is $3.25.  Reduced price breakfast is $0.30 and Reduced price lunch is $0.40 for all grade levels.  

    All families are strongly encouraged to submit a Free/Reduced Meal Application. In addition to free or reduced meals, there are other benefits, such as the federal Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB), a program that will assist eligible households in paying for internet service and certain electronic devices. To apply for F/R meals, parents should do so online at www.schoolcafe.com .  The application process is simple and quick, as the information is delivered to our office immediately for processing.  Parents will be notified electronically of the application status, as long as they have an email address set up in PowerSchool. 


    Which families can qualify for the Free/Reduced Meal Program?

    • Families whose household income is within the limits shown in the chart below
    • Foster children who are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court
    • All children in households receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    • Children who meet the definition of homeless or migrant


          Income Eligibility Guidelines for 2022-2023



    Free and reduced status is confidential information and, therefore, not shared with staff members other than the principal and guidance counselor as needed.