- North Middle School
- Absences
Parental Notice of Absence Absences shall be treated as unlawful until the district receives a written excuse note sent to the office explaining the absence. Any child who is absent from school must present a written and signed parental excuse within three days of a student's absence. Unless a written excuse is presented within three (3) school days after the student returns to school, the absences will be counted as unlawful. Any note should be brought to school and given to the attendance secretary, or the attendance officer following any absence. We will also accept excuse notes via three other means. These include a faxed document, an e-mail, or a telephone call. This communication must include the date of the absence, the reason for the absence, and the parent's signature. For your convenience, please use the e-mail link below:
Email the Attendance Office: (NMSAttendance@pennridge.org)
Voice Mail: 215-453-2765 ext. 851104#
Email the Nurse: (NMSNurse@pennridge.org)
Voice Mail: 215-453-2765 ext. 851010#
Attendance and Family Vacation Forms are also available below.