Here's a list of the latest happenings in our Pennridge Communities.
If you, your group, organization, team, etc. would like to have something posted on our Community Bulletin Board page, feel free to email our Director of Communications and Public Relations. dthomas@pennridge.org.
Free Early Childhood Programs
Our Early Childhood Programs promote school readiness by enhancing the child’s thinking, learning, social, and emotional development. In a positive learning environment, we are able to offer a variety of services and programs in support of early learning, health and nutrition, and family well-being.
• For children 3 - 5 years of age
• Monday through Friday class schedule (August-June)
• Class sizes are 15-20 students
• Interactive learning environments
• Nutritional snacks and meals
• Family EngagementProgram held at Sellersville Elementary School
Penn State Child Health Study
Researchers at Penn State are conducting a study on
how a child’s environment affects their biology and
subsequent health.The project involves completing Penn State's Child
Health Day on the University Park Campus in State
College, PA. Your child will receive a comprehensive
health screening and you will be asked to complete
several assessments about your child’s physical health
and emotional well-being. Travel and hotel costs are
free for eligible families.Eligible participants also receive financial compensation up to $520 for complete participation.