Middle School
Middle School Counselors
Mrs. Stacey DeMichele
Grade 7 and Grade 8 A-L
sdemichele@pennridge.org - x851007
Ms. Nickie Marchese
Grade 6 and Grade 8 M-Z
nmarchese@pennridge.org - x851006
Mrs. Lisa Labs
Guidance Clerk
llabs@pennridge.org - x851005
Mr. Robert Pizzico
All 7th grade &
6th grade A-K
rpizzico@pennridge.org - x701005
Mr. Eric Toomey
All 8th grade &
6th grade - L-Z
etoomey@pennridge.org - x701009
Mrs. Barbra Leon
Guidance Clerk
Ms. Laura Russo
Grades 6-8 A-L
lrusso@pennridge.org - x991006
Mr. Matthew DeFlavis
Grades 6-8 M-Z
mdeflavis@pennridge.org - X991007
Ms. Stephanie Schmidt
Guidance Clerk
stschmidt@pennridge.org - x991005
For students 14+ looking for working papers please contact your school's Guidance Clerk.
Mental Health Resources
Please contact your child’s counselor for a resource list of outpatient resources. While we cannot recommend or refer you to a specific agency or therapist, you can contact your insurance provider to see who in the area is covered.
If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis situation please click here for county wide supports available 24/7.