Gifted Education Services
Welcome to our Gifted Services Page
Parents may request an evaluation to determine if their child is exceptional and in need of gifted education services by contacting their child's teacher or school guidance counselor. Pennsylvania regulations state that a child is mentally gifted if the child has an IQ of 130 or higher. Students with IQ's lower than 130 may also be eligible for gifted services when multiple criteria stongly indicate gifted ability. Pennsylvania's multiple criteria include the following:
- The student is a year or more above grade achievement level for the normal age group in one or more academic subjects as measured by nationally-normed and validated achievement tests able to accurately reflect gifted performance.
- The student has an observed or measured rate of acquisition/retention or new academic content or skills that reflect gifted ability.
- The student has demonstrated achievement, performance or expertise in one or more academic areas as evidenced by excellence of products, portfolio or research, as well as criterion-referenced team judgement.
- The student has demonstrated early and measured use of high level thinking skills, academic creativity, leadership skills, intense academic interest areas, communication skills, foreign language aptitude or technology expertise.
- There are not intervening factors such as English as a second language, disabilities, gender or race bias, or socio/cultural deprivation masking gifted abilities.