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Current School Year 2024-2025 Registration for Kindergarten through Grade 12

2024 -2025 Kindergarten through Grade 12 Registration
We appreciate your cooperation in completing the online PowerSchool (see below) registration process. Documents can be uploaded to the registration website. If you are unable to upload the documents directly please email Dawn Hufnagle at 
Use the following links for helpful videos that show how to save documents using your smart phone that can then be uploaded for registration requirements: iPhone Android
The following documentation should be uploaded:

Proof of Residency

Three forms of proof of residency are required. This includes any official documentation that proves your district residency and includes your name and street address.

You must provide a copy of your current mortgage statement or a valid signed and executed property deed (all pages) or a current signed/dated lease or rental Agreement (all pages), one current Utility bill, AND one additional from the list below:
  • Current Utility Bill (or a work order showing a new utility is being established in your name at this address)
  • Current Credit Card statement
  • Current Bank Statement (can easily be changed online with most banks)
  • Current Mortgage Statement (can be submitted if full deed is used as your primary proof of residency)
  • Current Vehicle Registration (can easily be changed online)
  • Current Welfare Documentation
  • Current Health Insurance Documentation
  • Current Property Tax Bill
  • Settlement Papers
  • Proof of Current Homeowners/Renters Insurance
  • Current Voter Registration Card
  • Current Income Tax/W2
  • Post Office Change of Address Verification
Please note that an Agreement of Sale does not prove residency and is not acceptable proof of residency. We also do not accept a driver’s license, cell phone bill, or auto insurance as proof of residency

Birth Verification
An original state-sealed birth certificate is required; however, we will also accept a valid passport.

Please note we do not accept souvenir certificates that come from the hospital or photocopies of originals. If you do not have an original birth certificate for your child, you will need to obtain one prior to registration by contacting the Department of Vital Statistics in the state in which your child was born.

Immunization Records
A copy of your child’s complete immunization records must be uploaded. A list of the required immunizations to enter kindergarten can be found below.  
All students shall be immunized against specific diseases in accordance with state law and regulations, unless specifically exempt for religious, moral, or medical reasons.
A student shall be exempt from immunization requirements whose parent/guardian objects in writing to such immunization on religious or moral grounds or whose physician certifies, in writing, that the student's physical condition contraindicates immunization.

Parent Photo ID
A current valid Pennsylvania driver's license, passport, or state-issued Photo Identification Card that includes your signature.

Additional Forms That May Be Required
  • MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY: an application for Multiple Occupancy will be required in cases where you and your child/children are residing with another family within the Pennridge School District under the same roof. This form must be completed, signed and notarized by both families before registration and will count as one form of proof of residency.  The Multiple Occupancy form will be available only when you click Yes to the enrollment question "Are you and you family currently living with another family/relative in Pennridge School District"
  • GUARDIANSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE: You must be the legal parent/guardian of the child you are registering. If you are not the legal parent, you must provide the district with legal documentation to prove that you are this child's legal guardian. If the potential student is living, or will be living, in a household of a school district resident who is not the natural parent or legal guardian but will assume responsibility for the student, the resident must complete this questionnaire. Registration will not be considered until the District has reviewed and approved this questionnaire. Upon review/approval, the Registration Office will provide a 1302 Affidavit to the undersigned resident and parent to complete, sign and notarize.

Required Immunization Records:
  • Four basic doses of (DPT) Diphtheria, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), and Tetanus. (Please note that the 4th dose must be administered on or after the child’s 4th birthday.
  • Four doses of (OPV)or (IPV) Oral Polio Vaccine. (The 4th dose must be administered on  or after the child's 4th birthday, and at least 6 months after the last dose)
  • Three doses of Hepatitis B.
  • Two doses of (MMR) Measles, Mumps and German Measles (Rubella).
  • Two doses of Varivax (Varicella/Chicken Pox Vaccine) or proof of disease.
Please note that even though two doses of MMR are required to enter school in the fall; your registration will be considered complete in March as long as your child has had at least the first dose. The second dose is usually given at your child’s five-year check-up, which will be taking place during the summer prior to entrance in August.

Note to Parents...
Your child's registration is only considered complete if all online forms are submitted and you have provided a completed list of your child’s immunizations, original documentation of birth and proof of residency.

If you are missing any of these items your child's registration will not be considered complete until the missing item/items are received.

If you have any questions concerning the documents required, assistance is available by calling the Student Registration Office at 215-453-2793 or emailing Dawn Hufnagle at