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K-12 Curriculum

Curriculum serves as the framework for planned instruction and is designed in a way that will result in achievement for all students. Curriculum in Pennridge is designed to meet or exceed academic standards and consists of the following components:

Overall program goals for each subject or discipline

  • Objectives for the development of knowledge of concepts and the development of skills

  • Instructional strategies and resources designed to support meeting stated goals and objectives

  • Assessments to measure student progress toward achieving instructional objectives

Curriculum maps are tools Pennridge School District teachers use to keep track of what has been taught.  These maps also serve as a road-map or plan of what will be taught.  The creation of a curriculum map includes collecting and recording curriculum data that identifies core content and skills, processes used, and assignments for each grade level and subject area.  

Pennridge School District is in the process of a complete renewal of K-12 curriculum.  Courses that are completed and approved by the School Board of Directors are accessible to the public through Atlas, our curriculum warehouse, on the first link below. Courses that are currently "under construction" can be found on the second link below.  

Link #1: ATLAS

Link #2: All other curriculum maps can be found here. 


The Pennridge School District, in partnership with family and community, will provide all students with numerous and varied opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to grow into healthy, productive citizens equipped for life-long learning.