The Pennridge Schools Wallpaper page
HD Pennridge School District wallpapers
No matter which school or part of our community you call home, PSD has the perfect desktop wallpaper for you. Our wallpapers all come in Ultra High Resolution and feature the unique view of aerial photography over all 11 of the schools in the Pennridge School District. They're all free to download. Show your #PennridgePride and why you are #proud2bPSD in your classroom, your home, or your office- anywhere!
Below you will see all of the images from all of the schools. Feel free to choose the ones you want, click on them, and inside the expanded screen, you can download them to your computer, by clicking on the downward arrow button on the top right of that screen- this will download the image to your computer, then right-click it and set it as your new wallpaper!
Click on the wallpapers you want to see and download here.
Pennridge High School Wallpapers
Pennridge North Middle School Wallpapers
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Pennridge Central Middle School Wallpapers
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Pennridge South Middle School Wallpapers
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