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Welcome to the Business Office

The Business Office is dedicated to the efficient handling of all financial matters related to Pennridge School District financial matters. Our duties include budget preparation and monitoring, purchasing, payroll, and accounts payable. We are also responsible for overseeing the maintenance and operation of district facilities, as well as the use of those facilities by community groups.

The Business Office is located on the second floor of the District Administration Office, 1200 N. Fifth Street, Perkasie, PA 18944.

New Accounts Payable Email - Vendors can now submit invoices electronically for payment by emailing

Our Staff:

Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Sean Daubert
Phone:  215-453-2713

Director of Finance
Mr. Dan Direso
Phone:  215-453-2714
Administrative Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer
Mrs. Jackie Schuler
Phone:  215-453-2713
Fax:  215-453-8699
Accounts Payable
Mrs. Jennifer Souder
Phone:  215-453-2724
Fax:  215-453-8699
Mrs. Karen Gossard
Phone:  215-453-2721
Fax:  215-453-8699

Mrs. Faith Gonet
Phone:  215-453-2720
Fax:  215-453-8699

Secretary-Business and Technology Departments
Mrs. Marianne Vasconez
Phone:  215-453-2378
Fax:  215-453-8699