- Pennridge School District
- Frequently Asked Questions
Pennridge Online Learning
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Frequently Asked Questions
Have additional questions: Feel free to email our cyber-liaison, Mrs. Cara Gurysh, at cgurysh@pennridge.org for further information.
Will my student earn a Pennridge High School Diploma?
Yes, all high school students who met the Pennsylvania and Pennridge graduation requirements will earn a Pennridge High School Diploma. -
Can my child participate in clubs, sports, and other activities at their home school?
Yes, all students enrolled in our program have the same access to extra-curricular activities offered at their home school. Participation in school activities is encouraged! -
Will my child be provided with a computer?
Yes, all Pennridge Online learners will be provided with a laptop to use during the school year. Voluntary accidental damage insurance is available for approximately $35 per school year. -
Will my child have to take PSSA and/or Keystone exams?
Yes, all online students are required to take all state-mandated tests for their grade level. Online students will be required to report to their home school to complete testing on the announced test dates. Testing windows and specific dates will be announced as soon as possible. -
Who are the providers Pennridge works with?
Pennridge is working with two national providers Apex Learning and Fuel Education/K12. -
What is Apex Learning?
Apex Learning is a leading provider of high school digital curriculum and instruction. Their interactive, student-centered courses provide students with an array of options. Their diverse course catalog and built-in supports help to meet the needs of struggling learners and those who are capable of accelerating their learning. -
What is Fuel Education/K12?
Fuel Education provides online learning options for students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. The courses are highly interactive and utilize K12 curriculum which is the same curriculum that is used by many Pennsylvania cyber charter schools including Agora Cyber Charter and Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School. Fuel/K12 provides courses that are suitable for various academic levels and include Honors and AP courses. -
What is Edgenuity?
Edgenuity provides quality online learning opportunities for students and schools. Courses are aligned to Pennsylvania State Standards. Lessons are designed to meet the needs of different learning styles and include video, direct instruction, online notetaking, and read-aloud capabilities. In addition to being supported by a Pennsylvania certified teacher, students have access to concept coaches who will meet virtually with the student to assist with coursework. -
Does Pennridge offer any of their own online courses?
Pennridge High School is actively expanding online courses taught by our teachers. Current online options include Cyber Physical Education, Cyber SAT Prep, World History, World Literature, 20th Century Literature, and Literature of Conflict.