





    Sellersville Elementary School

    Parents & Teachers United (PTU)

    The PTU welcomes you to another exciting and fun-filled year at Sellersville Elementary School. Our PTU is very active in enriching our students’ educational experience.  Every parent and faculty member is automatically a member of the PTU. This means you have a voice and a vote in the programs and activities sponsored by the PTU.

    Parent involvement has a significant effect on their children’s education. When schools, families, and communities work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and enjoy school more. When parents get involved, grades go up, test scores rise, and behavior improves. Whether you have 30 minutes or a couple of hours, daytime or evening, your time, your ideas, and your talents are needed. Whatever your level of flexibility and talents, the Sellersville PTU always appreciates its parent volunteers, as do our teachers and staff. We need you to make this a successful year!


    2022-2023 PTU Officers

    President:  Michelle Kratz

    Co-Vice President- Megan Ferrara

    Co-Vice President-Melissa Bonner

    Secretary- Julie Scheetz

    Treasurer- Keith Berger


    Monthly Meeting Schedule

    You can make a difference by attending and being an active participant in your child’s school! Every parent, guardian, and faculty member is invited to attend the monthly PTU meetings, an open forum for communication between parents/guardians and faculty to share ideas and thoughts.
    PTU Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of each month in the school library, 7:00-8:00 pm. Free childcare is provided by the Pennridge High School Key Club to children who are potty-trained.
    What does the PTU do?
    All of our programs and activities are made possible with you! Our PTU is very active in enriching our students’ educational experience:
    • Supports school-wide SHARK behavior incentive program.
    • Donates money to classroom teachers to enhance students’ learning experience.
    • Operates annual Holiday Gift Shop 4 Kids for the children to shop for their friends and family.
    • Coordinates teacher appreciation events throughout the year.
    • Designs and coordinates annual school directory.
    • Coordinates Exercise for Education, which is the main source of funding for programs and activities.